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Top 10 Covid Friendly Employee Engagement Ideas

Top 10 Covid Friendly Employee Engagement Ideas

1. Liven up your working environment An everyday 9-to-5 job could wear on anyone. So make it more exciting! Flexible working, meetings at coffee shops (restrictions allowing!), walking meetings or even something as small as buying new chairs for the office are all...
Parenting and the Workplace

Parenting and the Workplace

19 – 23 October is National Parenting Week. This week we celebrate Parenting in Challenging Times. Parents and Grandparents should be supported as much as possible by their companies while raising children. Ways in which your organisation should be supporting...
Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

All leaders will have experience of handling difficult conversations at work at some point in time. These could include redundancy consultations, holding a disciplinary meeting, addressing poor performance or resolving conflict between employees. Due to the subject...