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What is constructive dismissal?

What is constructive dismissal?

What is constructive dismissal?   You’ve probably heard the term ‘constructive dismissal’ before, but are you clear on what it actually means? Constructive dismissal is the term that applies when a change to an employee’s working conditions or unfair treatment...
Not completing right to work checks? You could be fined up to 60k

Not completing right to work checks? You could be fined up to 60k

Not completing right to work checks? You could be fined up to 60k   The maximum fine for employing an illegal worker is increasing from £20,000 to a whopping £60,000. And if you’re found to knowingly employ an illegal worker, you can also face criminal charges. The...
The onboarding checklist you’ll use again and again

The onboarding checklist you’ll use again and again

The onboarding checklist you’ll use again and again   Giving new employees a great onboarding experience is essential to their engagement and retention. Yet, shockingly, around 60% of businesses skip setting any goals or milestones for their new hires. And only...