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January is Walk Your Dog Month

January is Walk Your Dog Month

We are encouraged to get up, get moving, and don’t let those sub-zero winter temperatures drag us down!  Dogs need plenty of exercise throughout the year and the best way to keep them active in winter is to take them for regular walks. But you know all that already,...
10 Inspirational Company Culture Quotes

10 Inspirational Company Culture Quotes

Company culture refers to the ‘je ne sais quoi’ of the corporate world.   But how do you define it, describe it and create it? If you asked 10 different people in your office or workplace what a good company culture looks like, you’d get 10 different answers.   At...
How To Manage Holiday Entitlement

How To Manage Holiday Entitlement

This time of year usually sees a flurry of requests from employees to employers for time off over the festive holiday or to carry forward annual leave entitlement to the next calendar year.   This year may see higher levels of unused entitlement, given that a lot of...
HR checklist for SMEs

HR checklist for SMEs

It’s important to start with the basics.  Many small business owners wonder how many employees they need on their team before they look at their human resource management needs.  We would suggest you need just one! From the very first day your very first employee...
Managing Stress in the Workplace

Managing Stress in the Workplace

4 November 2020 is National Stress Awareness Day and this year, more than any other, it is so important to be aware of and understand how we can limit stress in the workplace and our every day lives. The last 8 months have been harder than anyone could have ever...
Parenting and the Workplace

Parenting and the Workplace

19 – 23 October is National Parenting Week. This week we celebrate Parenting in Challenging Times. Parents and Grandparents should be supported as much as possible by their companies while raising children. Ways in which your organisation should be supporting...